
Who Leads the Pack?

Is there a direct correlation between the time TV news devotes to the various presidential candidates and the interest in them shown by online searching? Hmmm...yesterday was Obama's announcement.

Looking at my very unscientific poll using just my data for today it seems like there is some bit of interest stirring for the Republican players. Romney and McCain both show some online searches, but the most searches for a Republican (non-)candidate are for Rudy today. And Romney bests McCain if you are counting. Being hawkish on the war may not be a good way to get votes, Rudy is trying that today so we'll be interested in checking his support tomorrow.

Now on to the wild Democratic online searches for presidential candidates. Note that at the moment we are not following John Edwards.

There is basically no interest in Al Gore or Bill Richardson today — or yesterday. The leaders in the blue camp are still Obama and Hillary. Obama's followers have slowed a bit since yesterday's feeding frenzy and Hillary's have become more active. In today's searches she is closing the gap with Obama. Both Hillary and Obama are generating an incredible amount of interest compared to their Democratic and Republican peers.

Mac the Observer