
Wait and See...

Just as the election is out in the future and many of you are taking a "wait and see" point of view concerning which candidate you support, so to this blog is taking a wait and see approach, but for a different reason.

There are some pending changes taking place at our supplier, CafePress, which are taking a while to analyze. For the time being we are waiting to see how those new plans will work and how they will impact us.

We are still watching those candidates tussle for position, however. Check back in about a week for more information.

Mac the Observer


The March Swing Is On

It is fascinating how trends shift over time. Looking at data spanning a period of time can conceal slight shifts which may indicate coming trends. In the previous post, covering the first half of March, Obama was trailing in some respects. Looking at just the last four days is a different story!

From March 16 through today it appears that Barack Obama has had slightly more people searching online for information about him than any other of the candidates I am tracking. But Hillary is very close. Al Gore is in the third spot, but he is pulling less than half the count that Hillary shows. Giuliani, Romney and McCain have trailed off considerably since last week's CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) gathering. John McCain is nearly falling off my radar!

If we consider that the "click thru rate" on ads for these candidates' caps reflects some dimension of seriousness about the candidates, then it is an important measure to watch. For this period of days Hillary Clinton's leads the pack, with a rate three times that of Obama and double Al Gore.

What does it all mean? That is hard to say since there are many months to go before the election possibilities tighten and many months with time for gaffes and stumbles. One thing is certain, there seems increased interest in the Republican candidates when they have an event, but that interest is not sustained much beyond the event. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Al Gore—by contrast—seem to shuffle positions and yet all continue to be of great interest to people. Perhaps the pundits are correct in saying that the Republican side needs some new candidates.

Changing March Political Winds

Looking at the Month of March through the 16th, the most interest shown online in my survey is for Rudy Giuliani. In fact, more than twice as many people looked for information about him than about any of the other candidates I am following. The next tier of candidates is a close call between Mitt Romney, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. John McCain edges out Barack Obama who is bringing up the rear when looking at the March data so far.

Evaluating the "click thru" rate — the percent of people who click on ad an they see — Hillary is in the lead and a close second is Obama. Al Gore is next. The other candidates fall way behind these leaders in clicks.

Mac the Observer


Republicans Wake Up in March So Far

With 12 days of data for March 2007, it seems like the previously lackluster interest shown in the possible Republican presidential candidates has ignited. Of the candidates we are tracking the top three are Republicans! Rudy leads the pack with the most interest shown in him. Romney is second, but with less than half the searches recorded as has Rudy. John McCain trail Mitt Romney but not by very much.

On the previously red-hot Democratic side the leader is Al Gore. Yes, Al Gore! He leads both Hillary and Barack Obama. But Hillary is not far behind Al, while Obama seems to be slipping.

In looking at the rate of those who see the various candidate caps ads and click for more details, both Hillary and Obama lead all the candidates and are nearly tied.

Is it time to get that cap and show support of your candidate?

Mac the Observer


March 4-7 results

If we compare the past 4 days to the first week of March there are a few interesting things to note.

Over these few days Hillary is still leading the pack, but very close on her heals is Rudy Giuliani. Al Gore is now trailing Hillary on the democratic side but leading Barack Obama. In fact, Obama seems to be dropping behind as the days move ahead — for this time period he is registering 25% of the interest that Hillary is seeing. This is down considerably from him leading all candidates last month.

Romney and Obama are running closely but way behind the leaders. McCain and Richardson are having problems leaving the cellar.

Obama does lead the pack in terms of "click rate." He has a higher percent of people clicking to get info on caps than the other candidates. Next highest is Al Gore, followed closely by Hillary. Rudy and Romney's people do not seem to be much interested in clicking on hats!

Mac the Observer

First week in March results

Using my method of tracking interest in the candidates for president in the 2008 election, there is a lot more jostling for position apparent than shown in the official reporting. Leaders change frequently here.

Take the first week of March, for instance. Hillary Clinton — in my tracking — is leading all the candidates by a large margin! She is getting 25% more people looking for information about her than Barack Obama, the number two candidate this week.

Al Gore and Rudy Giuliani are nearly tied and closing in on Obama this week. Bill Richardson and John McCain each seem to have few people searching for data on them, and Mitt Romney is considerably ahead of these two at the bottom, although well behind the top four candidates.

If we follow the earlier assumption that clicking on an ad for a candidate's campaign hat indicates a more committed follower, then there is little change in candidate ranking order this week. Gore moves considerably ahead of Rudy when looking at "clicks." McCain and Richardson, in the click contest, drop off the radar! There is no interest shown in clicking on ads for either of these two folks.

If you want to announce your candidate in this race, why not get their cap?

Mac the Observer


Is March Al Gore's Month?

Granted we are only on day one of March—but my online activity monitors are indicating more interest in Al Gore than any other of the candidates I am following. Hillary and Obama are still each generating more interest than approximately all the Republican possible and actual candidates combined.

If you think Al Gore should run, here are some places to check out: