
Following the Candidates in early June

We adjusted our method of monitoring presidential candidates and the interest they generate. Once word is out that candidates are being compared, some of their followers go to any extreme to make their leader look best! One way they do that is to continually click on ads for a particular candidate. This distorts the real interest in the candidate and the poor advertisers may find themselves a bit poorer it they are paying "per click."

With our new monitoring tools, the first 5 days of June shows no surprises. Most interest centers on Obama, Hillary, Rudy and Al Gore. Interest in Al Gore is growing now that we know it is a "maybe" that he will run.

Without Rudy Giuliani interest in the Republican candidates is weak. Or perhaps no one dares to wear a hat, shirt or be seen with a Republican bumper sticker this time around even though they may support a Republican candidate.

We noticed searches for "anti-GOP" and "anti-Bush" in this data. This is new.

Fred Thompson is now in our candidate ring since being profiled in the news this past week or two. So far no one has searched our www.CandidateStuff.com for him. If you have a favorite candidate, check out the thousands of items we promote for Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Chuck Hagel, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and Fred Thompson. If there is another person you want to see in the lineup, please let me know.

Mac the Observer