During the past week there hasn't been much interest in the presidential candidates as shown in my monitoring. Perhaps things will liven up when the next series of debates nears. CandidateStuff.com did have a recent visit by someone from AirAmerica which was promptly followed by a visitor from Haliburton! Are there spies following my observations?
This blog reports interest shown in particular presidential candidates, as well as the group as a whole. I track the visitors to certain websites offering many designs—on t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, magnets and pins—for 10 of the major candidates. This week's level of interest in the candidates is the lowest in many months. The leader, for the first time, is Fred Thompson. It is not that Fred has excited people; it seems people are getting bored a bit with the news coverage of the candidates.
If the issues are not compelling enough, then do we need some new scandals to get the interest back? What about the church sex-scandal connection to a friend of Rudy? Or the fake police protecting Romney? Any more candidate affairs? Politics and elections ARE important!
Mac the Observer