I hunted through hundreds of hats for seven different candidates. The available designs for each candidate were quite telling. There were many hats for Obama and Hillary and I had to limit my choices.
In the caps catagorized as promoting Hillary for president there were many hats with negative comments. These were created by people and deliberately mislabeled so someone searching to promote Hillary would come across these less-than-nice choices. I removed all of those from my selection.
About half the hats for Bill Richardson were for his 2006 run for Governor, not the 2008 presidential election. A large percent of the hats for Rudy said "I Love Rudy" or "Rudy Loves Me." The other candidates had one or two such hats, but not Rudy! He won the contest for most hats with a heart on them.
Mitt Romney's hats had many negative slogans. I removed all that I noticed. John McCain and John Edwards didn't seem to generate much interest in those people who create the graphics for hats. I couldn't find enough caps for Edwards to create a web page and McCain's selections are slim.
Several cap designs for Al Gore mentioned "re-elect" Al Gore! And to keep things "light" I included a page of Dick Cheney hats which carry messages right from the news. See the hat categories.
Mac the Observer