Ok, so here we are with another blog (sigh!). Will it differ from others, sure. Will it have an ulterior motive, yes! I've been around enough decades to have sharp opinions and perhaps less-than-pc observations. So here we go with a presidential election!
Who is leading the pack today? Who do I like? Um, none of the above. There is no perfect candidate, of course. But first you have to know that I am turned off by the overly smily types. Yes, that is you Obama. Those who were born to entitled lives are also off my list, so forget about Romney, as if someone from Massachusetts could be taken seriously! (I know, I was born on Beacon Hill in Boston!)
Is Hillary inevitable? Well she is if the presidency can be bought. Wasn't that what happened in recent memory?? Will they have to shuffle Bill off to another existence to make Hillary win the final push?
When the final candidates appear on the ballot, there is little chance my insignificant vote will go to a representative of the Republican party. That much is clear. There was a time when McCain's persona was free and vibrant and wonderful. Now he seems to waver between odd positions and obedience to party. Chuck Hagel intrigues me, however! He communicates an honesty that has little care for pol-y-ticks as a beauty and smiling contest.
Is Bill Richardson the stealth candidate who will walk away with the prize? He has the background. I like Bill Richardson but he is not very visible on national TV. Then there is Rudy! Bigger than life! Everyone knows about him.
Mac the Observier
Getting off the Ground
2008 presidential election,