As Obama and Hillary battle it out for who is the anointed candidate something very interesting is happening. Back around mid-February most pre-primary interest shown in my stats was for either Obama or Hillary.
But since that time there has been movement towards Rudy Giuliani on the Republican side and Al Gore on the Democratic side. Yes, you see that correctly. Each day Al has garnered a bit more online activity.
Looking at just the past three days, Al Gore surpassed BOTH Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama! More people have searched for information on Al, more have clicked on the ads for Al Gore hats than for either Barak or Hillary. Looking at only data from today, Al Gore is way ahead of both so-called from runners on the Democratic side!
Will Al run is the big question. One thing he has is a message, a message he has worked on for years and one we know he believes. Can that compare to Barak or Hillary? Will we get the chance to re-elect Al Gore in 2008?
Is it time for an Al Gore cap?
Mac the Observer