Summer has only hours remaining and the leaves are preparing for winter. Who are voters watching? Most interest we have seen is centering on Hillary Clinton and Fred Thompson with people purchasing hats and bumper stickers for each of the hopefuls.
Although the slate of potential contenders is impressive, there is also an incredible list of negatives attached to most of them. Does anyone really think Fred has the stamina and interest to be president? Will Hillary Clinton ever be able to convince those who hate her to come together? Can Rudy run on security while those who worked for him in NYC complain about his leadership? Is Obama that unaware of his inexperience? What about John McCain's stubborn attitude toward the war? Perhaps it is time to look at some of the less-prominent candidates. Bloomberg has removed himself from the fray but could be a powerful candidate, as could Chuck Hagel or Bill Richardson.

One thing is certain: the problems facing the next president will be massive, the available funds limited, international goodwill bruised, but the challenges will surely provide opportunity for someone to carve out a substantial reputation. Who we select will probably shape our country and the world for decades to come. Is the electorate so discouraged and disenfranchised with politics at this point to really care? That is the biggest worry here. Can we be serious and pick a president who will be capable of at least some of what is needed?
Show your support of a candidate with hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers and more at
CANDIDATESTUFF.comMac the Observer