
Little Interest in Candidates this week

With political news somewhat on hold until the report on Iraq comes in, there is not much activity showing up on our candidate monitors. We have seen a tiny bit of interest in John McCain, Fred Thompson, John Edwards, Al Gore and John Kerry (really). It is fair to say that the interest shown in these individuals is extrememly weak, but the other candidates are not registering any interest at all this week.

It is rather interesting that many recent hits on www.canditatestuff.com are coming from a RushLimbaugh domain!

Mac the Observer


Hurricane Karl?

Hurricane KarlNow that we in the dangerous time of hurricanes, we should keep a look out for "Hurricane Karl." This "storm" has the potential to cause much damage and the cone of uncertainty includes the entire United States. We all need to prepare for the possibility of high winds, dangerous tides and a major surge.

Mac the Observer


What About Joe Biden?

Joe BidenWe talk about the top democratic candidates in the presidential race, but there are others who are also worthy of consideration. Think about Joe Biden. In the last "debate" he came across as smart, bold, and informed. He has plenty of relevant experience and yet seems in touch with ordinary people. On the issue of Iraq he is the only person with a plan that is more articulated than just saying how many months or weeks before some or all of the troops are pulled out. Joe sees the need for partitioning Iraq. Can that be so bad? Can anything be worse than the state of Iraq now? It may be time to take a look at some of the candidates who are not in the front pages. How about looking at Mr. Biden? Here's his officical website.

One of the interesting observations I have made is that the candidates more likely to grab the attention of the public also are the ones with a large and interesting assortment of product designs. Joe Biden is right up there will the best in terms of nice designs!

If you want to grab up a hat, magnet, bumper sticker or t-shirt promoting Joe Biden, come on over to CandidateStuff. You can also find items to support many of the republican and democratic candidates for president, too.

Mac the Observer


Infrastructure? The Next Issue?

Now that a major bridge has collapsed will the presidential candidates begin to warm to the idea of promoting infrastructure as an issue? We know how they search for whatever topics will resonate with the public -- this public or that public -- they slice us up to get votes for themselves.

Who will bite this issue now that it is in the public awareness?

Interestingly we do have two senators who were very concerned about various US infrastructure needs before the tragedy. They are Chuck Hagel and Joe Biden. It may be time to add some hats for Mr. Biden over at www.candidatestuff.com. We shouldn't count these two out of the presidential race. At this time in the last presidential election cycle the "unbeatable" front runner was Howard Dean!

Mac the Observer